Enhancing gender mainstreaming for sustainable rural development and food security actions
GEMAISA project is implemented by CIHEAM Bari and funded by the Italian Cooperation. The project, currently in its second phase, aims to improve the livelihoods of rural women in six Mediterranean countries by increasing women’s participation and agency within selected, local agri-food value chains and contributing to the strengthening of the Ministries of Agriculture’s capacity to mainstream gender issues and promote women’s empowerment within their policies, strategies and programmes.
In order to increase women’s participation across the agricultural and food value chain, GEMAISA adopts a multidimensional approach that addresses specific socio-economic and institutional barriers. This is done through a series of gender-sensitive tools that are adapted to the different contexts of intervention, while ensuring at the same time a regional perspective.
This website intends to act as a visibility hub and knowledge-sharing related to GEMAISA. Its function will be also related to the monitoring of the transformative approaches and processes that are taking place in the target areas of the project, highlighting transformations and peculiarities of the different contexts and Countries.