Training of trainers on “Gender equality and mainstreaming”

Following up on the training programme started in December 2020, the “Training of Trainers on gender equality and mainstreaming was held on-line from February 1st 2021 for a total of 4 days. The course, organized in collaboration with the Directorate of Agriculture, the Directorate of Cooperatives, the Green Plan and the Lebanese Agriculture Research, involved several officers, heads of departments, administrative staff, researcher and experts from the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and other local institutions. 

This training programme was framed around six training cycles on gender concepts and specifically addressed to a number of selected participants who expressed interest, commitment and enthusiasm during the previous trainings.

 The programme consisted on the following learning modules: 

  • Gender concepts and gender analysis frameworks
  • Gender mainstreaming at institutional level and within the programmes implemented by the different Departments
  • Training on gender equality
  • Technical training skills

The activity aimed at increasing the officers’ capacity to ensure gender-responsiveness in MoA’s services and Departments’ plans, activities and programmes and to realize gender analysis, mainstreaming and to train staff on gender equality.